Catley Cross Vets's home page
Catley Cross Vets - Small Animal 01787 269006
Catley Cross Vets - Equine 01787 269006

Catley Cross Veterinary Clinic

Your local vets in Halstead for small animals and equine

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Catley Cross Vets are now accepting payments by Klarna, allowing you more time to pay your vet bills. Set up your payment plan today.

Small Animal Care

Small Animal Care

Find out more about our small animals services including nutrition, neutering and vaccinations.

Pet Health Club®

Pet Health Club®

Start saving £100s each year! Get complete peace of mind and your pet’s wellbeing looked after with Pet Health Club® and save money on routine healthcare, every year.

Online Shop

Online Shop

With the new My Family Vets shop, you can order your pet’s food & supplies online today.