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Catley Cross Vets - Small Animal 01787 269006
Catley Cross Vets - Equine 01787 269006

Ben Turner

Small Animal & Equine Veterinary Surgeon

Ben Turner  - Small Animal & Equine Veterinary Surgeon
Ben Turner BA VetMB MRCVS Small Animal & Equine Veterinary Surgeon

Ben graduated from Cambridge University vet school in 2023 and worked in a busy small animal practice for a year in Chelmsford before joining Catley Cross in November 2024 to do both large and small animal work. He has particular interests in small animal internal medicine and neurology and equine infectious diseases. He's really looking forward to getting out on the road and meeting your lovely horses, donkeys, goats, sheep and alpacas.

Outside of work you can find Ben walking his 2 Springer Spaniels in Norsey Woods, or riding Ginger, his 11-year-old Irish Sports Horse Mare. Triathlons and the odd marathon have also been known to occur.